Federal Grant/Elder Justice Innovation Grant/Administration for Community Living Federal Grant Innovations in Community Living awarded to Stark County Ohio Court
American Arbitration Association International Center for Dispute Resolution Foundation grants for Eldercaring Coordinator Trainings and creation of educational videos
StayWell/Well Care Medicaid/Medicare Health Plan Provider Eldercaring Coordination Scholarship Program

The ACR / FLAFCC Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination is grateful for collaborative relationships with all of the initial Task Force organizations as well as the following:
Adult Safeguarding Unit, Australia
American Arbitration Association Foundation
Australian National Mediation Association
Australasian Mediation Network
Dispute Resolution Center, Supreme Court of Ohio
Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers
Florida Department of Adult Protective Services
Florida Legal Aid
Florida Office of Public and Private Guardians, Department of Elder Affairs
Florida Office of the Attorney General
Idaho Supreme Court, Dispute Resolution Center
International Mediation Association Network
Maryland Supreme Court, Dispute Resolution Center
National Adult Protective Services Association
National Clearinghouse for Abuse in Later Life
Ontario Bar Association, Elder Section
Relationships Australia
Shepard Broad College of Law, Nova University
StayWell/Well Care Health Plan Provider
Stetson University College of Law
Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine School of Law
University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Virginia Tech University, Center for Gerontology and Doctoral Program on Marriage and Family Therapy

The progress of the ACR/FLAFCC Eldercaring Coordination Initiative is due to the generosity, expertise, and commitment of the initial Task Forces and other organizational collaborations, and the Judges, Magistrates, Program Administrators, ECs and professionals who have been involved in Eldercaring Coordination Programs.