“I had learned about Eldercaring Coordination at a conference, but became a believer after using a coordinator during a difficult guardianship in 2018. As a thirty year veteran of guardianship services, I was amazed at how much helpful information we received from a family member who had financially exploited the ward due to the gentle and supportive nature of our coordinator. Since then, I have requested eldercaring coordination twice in other guardianship cases.”
– President of MonarchCare, Florida
“Eldercaring coordination saved that man’s life!”
– Florida Judge
“I was attorney on a case that involved litigation spreading from state to state and state to Appellate Courts… one day all the parties and attorneys stormed into the courtroom and argued for hours. At the end of the hearing with negligible result from any side, the judge issued an order for eldercaring coordination. I had never heard of eldercaring coordination and my reaction wasn’t a good one, thinking this would just be another costly process that wouldn’t lead anywhere All too often the alleged Incapacitated Person’s voice gets lost in legal proceedings. Eldercaring coordination was able to cut through a lot of the litigation hoops and risks, so the process became more about the AIP. I think eldercaring coordination adds value with a minimum of cost and now I endorse the process.”
– Managing attorney Waugh Law, Florida
“Eldercaring coordination offers a forum for parties to learn information where discovery proceedings in litigation could slow down resolution and flair up tempers and suspicion. Attorneys and their clients work within the process by sharing information and using resources beyond courtroom procedure.”
– Attorney
“The Eldercaring Coordinator can dispel hard-lined positions of parties by separating fact and fiction. It encourages conversation beyond each party’s 'story' and directs the focus to the elder's wishes and needs and how to accomplish them within the family dynamic.”
– Florida Attorney
“Eldercaring coordination maintains the focus of the family on the aging person, rather than their disputes.”
– Florida Attorney
“If a dispute cannot be addressed through mediation, a new dispute resolution process called Eldercaring Coordination may be useful in resolving the increasingly common high conflict 'family feud' situations. According to the Association for Conflict Resolution, Eldercaring Coordination is ‘a dispute resolution option specifically for high -conflict cases involving the care, needs and safety of elders.”
– Legislative fact sheet, Guardianship and the Right to Visitation, Communication, and Interaction, The American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging.
“The Eldercaring Coordinator can dispel hard-lined positions of parties by separating fact and fiction. It encourages conversation beyond each party’s 'story' and directs the focus to the elder's wishes and needs and how to accomplish them within the family dynamic.”
– Florida Attorney
“As an Eldercaring Coordinator (EC), you have the ability to have a bird's eye view of contested matters. The EC, the elder, their families, and attorneys work together to create a plan that is 'elder-centric'.”
– Attorney
“We strongly believe that the Eldercaring Coordination process is very well-suited to address the issues that arise in guardianship law, while maintaining the focus of parties on the alleged incapacitated person, and not their disputes.”
– Florida Attorney
“This has been the best Father’s Day that we’ve had in a long time.”
– Family, after meeting with Eldercaring Coordinator