Learn about eldercaring coordination directly from the judges, the ECs, attorneys, the researchers, and MORE! ACResolution Magazine
Pending Publication:
Bronson, S., Fieldstone, L., and Willard, K. (publication pending) Dementia, Family, and Conflict: Eldercaring Coordination Can Help. Dementia may impact the lifespan of a person, but it doesn’t have to split the family tree.
Published articles:
Saini, M., Alschech. J., Fieldstone, L., and Bronson, S. (accepted) Eldercaring Conflict Checklist (ECC): Development, Pilot and Initial Validation of Scale, Ageing International.
Fieldstone, L., Hon Morley, M., Bronson, S. (2023) You Should Know About Eldercaring Coordination!, FLAFCC eNews Article July 2023
CoChairs of the ACR/AFCC Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination
Harbin-Lamb, A. (2023) Michigan’s Eldercaring Coordination Program Moving into the Implementation Phase; ELDRS Newsletter Winter 2023 Volume X, Issue 4, page 6-8
Morley, M., Fieldstone, L., and Bronson, S. (2022). Eldercaring Coordination: Addressing the Storm of Contentious Family Relationships Jeopardizing the Welfare of Aging Loved Ones, American Bar Association GP Solo December
Waltman, L. Z. (2022) Eldercaring Coordination: What is it? What is it Not? Michigan Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 32, No 3.
Harbin-Lamb, A. (2022) Eldercaring Coordination - An Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Helping High Conflict Families Resolve their Issues. ELDERS Newsletter July
Fieldstone, L., Gonzalez, M., and Morley, M. (2022). Eldercaring coordination: An introduction to the newest alternative dispute resolution method in Florida, Family Law Commentator, Florida Bar Association, Vol. XXVI, Issue 2. page15-22.
Gurnon, Emily (2021) Could Eldercaring Coordination Be the Answer to Guardianship Problems? The novel approach of eldercaring coordination shields older adults from family conflict , Money and Policy, June 7, 2021
Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. and (2021) Enhancing Communication: Bringing Hope to Elders and their Families; In Lang, M. and Nicholson, P. (Eds.) Family Conflict During a Pandemic, independent publisher, Amazon.
Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., and Morley, M. (2020). Eldercaring coordination: The time is now. The Michigan Dispute Resolution Journal, Spring/ Summer, 10-14.
Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. (2020) Every Generation Matters; In Lang, M. and Nicholson, P. (Eds.) Living Together, Separating, Divorcing: Surviving During a Pandemic, independent publisher, Amazon.
Bronson, S. and Fieldstone, L. (2020) “I Just Want My Family to Get Along: Eldercaring Coordination, A Pathway to Justice and a Legacy of Peace”; In Terry, S. (Ed.), More Justice, More Peace: When Peacemakers are Advocates, Roman & Littlefield, New York.
Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S. and Morley, M., eds. (2020). ACResolution Magazine issue on eldercaring coordination; From the Editors, Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S. and Morley, M.; The Whole Point of Research: Informing the Practice of Eldercaring Coordination and Beyond, Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S.; Association for Conflict Resolution, January.
Morley, M. and Houlberg, H. (2019). Eldercaring Coordination: Alternative Dispute Resolution Focused on Elders. Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), University of Denver.
Eldercaring Coordination: An Intergenerational Model of Conflict Resolution (2018). Fieldstone, L., Bronson, S., and Morley, M., United Nations Presentation in Honor of 2018 World Abuse Awareness Day: Moving from Awareness to Action through a Human Rights Based Approach: Focusing on Advancing Autonomy for Older Persons and Preventing Abuse and Neglect, ACResolution, December; Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ENews, July.
Fieldstone, L., (2018). Eldercaring Coordination Update, Florida Dispute Resolution Center Newsletter: The Neutral July 2018 Edition, Florida Supreme Court, Volume 3, Issue 2,
Gross, S. (2018). Eldercaring Coordination, A needed dispute resolution option in California, Bifocal, American Bar Association, 40(2), p. 21-25.
Morley, M. (2018). Eldercaring Coordination. Final Friday Family Court Communique, e-Newsletter from the Florida Office of State Courts Administrator, Office of Court Improvement
Fieldstone, L. (ed.).(2018) Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Newsletter, dedicated in entirety to eldercaring coordination.
Fieldstone, L. (2018). Eldercaring Update, Dispute Resolution Center Newsletter: The Neutral July 2018 Edition, Florida Supreme Court, Volume 3, Issue 2.
Torres, K. & Myers, Cher (2018). Who needs eldercaring coordination anyway? FLAFCC Newsletter, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
Fieldstone, L., Morley, M., Nutter, K. (2017). Top ten Tips: Relating to elders and families in their ‘gray” years;
Next ten tips: How eldercaring coordination can make a difference with high conflict families regarding the care and safety of elders. Florida Chapter of the Association for Families and Conciliation Courts Newsletter. Summer/Fall.
Genung, T. (2017). Addressing the needs of our aging population with compassion and dignity. “Friendly Passages” Newsletter, Rubert J. Smith Law Library. (PDF available)
Campbell, K. (2017). Dispute resolution tactics emerge to aid the elderly. Experience. American Bar Association.
Fieldstone, L, & Bronson, S., (2018), Eldercaring Coordination in Your Community or Your Law Practice: New Approaches to Dealing with High-Conflict Families. Journal of the National Academy for Elder Law Attorneys, Winter.
Morgan, R.C. (2016). Family matters in elder law practice. Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Law, 29, p. 109- .
Fieldstone, L. and Bronson, S. (2016). Eldercaring coordination: an effective response to family conflict. Aging Today, American Society on Aging, Vol. xxxvii(6), 1/16.
Wood, E. (2016). Recharging adult guardianship reform: Six current paths forward, Journal of Aging, Longevity, Law, and Policy, Touro College, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, 1(1)Article 5, p. 7-53
Fieldstone, L. and Morley, M. (2016). Florida Eldercaring Coordination Initiative: Humane Response to High Conflict Cases Regarding Our Oldest Family Members. Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Newsletter, August.